Version June 2023
Part 1 – General
1.1 Mission Statement
1.2 Membership in other organisations
1.3 Playing and competitive Rules
Part 2 – Organisation and Board
2.1 Structure
2.2 Board of Directors
2.3 Management Committee
2.4 Officer roles
2.5 Other roles
2.5 Committees
2.6 Standing down
2.7 Removal of a Director
Part 3 – Membership
3.1 Categories
3.2 Requirements for Membership
3.3 Dues
3.4 Volunteers, Glasgow Roller Recruits and Intermediate skaters
3.5 Ending Membership
Part 4 – Meetings
4.1 Board of Directors Meetings
4.2 Board of Directors and Heads of Committee Meetings
4.3 Management Committee Meetings
4.4 Extraordinary General Meetings
4.5 Annual General Meetings
4.6 Meetings: Additional Information
Part 5 – League Documents
5.1 Document list
5.2 Amendment of documentation
Part 6 – Glossary of Terms
Part 1 – General
1.1 Mission Statement
Glasgow Roller Derby (GRD) is a self-governed, not-for-profit, amateur sports organisation, founded in 2007, dedicated to playing and promoting women’s flat track roller derby.
We aim to support the growth of our sport by encouraging teamwork, sportspersonship, inclusion and equality and by being proactive within the roller derby community. We will strive to be strong, conscientious role models for the community and the sport and will foster the development of our skaters through hard work and dedication, whilst pursuing increasing standards for athleticism.
We are wholly committed to providing an environment which facilitates the empowerment of our Members through fitness and the opportunity to learn new skills.
1.2 Membership in other organisations
The League is a Member of the Women’s Flat Track Roller Derby Association (WFTDA).
The League is a Member of the Sports Council for Glasgow.
1.3 Playing and competitive rules
The League plays and competes to the WFTDA Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby and adheres to WFTDA policies.
Part 2 – Organisation and Board
2.1 Structure
2.1.1 The League is registered as a not-for-profit limited liability company under the name Glasgow Roller Derby Ltd.
2.1.2 The League is run by a Board of Directors (BoD) and a Management Committee (MC) outlined below.
2.1.3 BoD and MC are supported by the Officer roles, Heads of Committee (HoC) and the Committee Members.
2.1.4 Glasgow Roller Derby is Member-owned and operated. All Members are expected to take a role in the running of the League.
2.2 Board of Directors
2.2.1 Governance of the League is by a BoD consisting of 3 elected Members:
League Secretary
2.2.2 The role of each Director is defined in the Role Profile.
2.2.3 Election for positions on the BoD will take place when a position becomes available through a Director demitting at the end of their term, stepping down early, or being removed. This will be in line with our general voting process as outlined in our Voting Policy.
2.2.4 The term for Directors will be 3 years, with the option to stand for re-election on completion.
2.2.5 Members standing for a Director role should intend to commit for a minimum term of two years.
2.3 Management Committee
2.3.1 The Management Committee (MC) consists of the 3 Directors and 6 other roles:
A Team Captains (Irn Bruisers) x2
B Team Captains (Maiden Grrders) x2
Head of Committee (HoC) Training
HoC Officials
2.3.2 The role of each of the MC positions is defined by their Role Profile.
2.3.3 Election for the non-Directorate positions on the MC will take place annually (usually in December or January) or if a position becomes available mid-term. This will be in line with our general voting process as outlined in our Voting Policy.
2.3.4 Members standing for a MC role should intend to commit for a minimum term of one year.
2.4 Officer roles
2.4.1 The League will elect the following Officer roles annually:
Attendance Officer
Conflict Resolution
Health and Safety
Wellbeing Officer
GRR Liaison
Equality & Diversity Officer
Interleague Liaison
2.4.2 These may be held as a stand-alone role or as a Co-Officer position with duties split between two Members.
2.4.3 The role of each of the Officer positions are defined by the relevant Role Profile.
2.4.4 Election for Officer roles will take place annually (usually at the Annual General Meeting) or that a position becomes available mid-term. This will be in line with our general voting process as outlined in our Voting Policy.
2.5 Other roles
2.5.1 The League will nominate a Member to the following roles:
WFTDA Skater rep
WFTDA Officials rep
Discord Admin
2.6 Committees
2.6.1 The League’s Committees are as follows:
PR & Marketing
Sponsorship & Fundraising
2.6.2 Each Committee should consist of a HoC, plus a number of Members, with roles outlined in the Role Profile. The number of Members in any Committee is not specified as the requirements will change depending on the number of League Members.
2.6.3 Members wishing to join a Committee should contact the HoC. Vacant roles within the League will be advertised.
2.6.4 Members must be active on at least one Committee (or be in an Officer or BoD role) to be eligible for Team selection as per the Selection policy. Members can choose to be on multiple Committees, but will be expected to be active in all Committees they sit on.
2.6.5 HoCs shall be voted in as outlined in the Voting Policy
2.6.6 The HoC is responsible for coordinating and delegating the workload of the Committee along with the organisation of Committee meetings, attending meetings with the BoD and MC (see 4.2), and presenting a Committee report at General Meetings, plus any additional duties outlined in the Role Profile.
2.6.7 A Member can only be HoC of one Committee at a time.
2.6.8 HoCs can be Members of League or Glasgow Roller Recruits (GRR), except for Head of Training.
2.6.9 Each Committee should hold a meeting at least once per quarter, or more often if required.
2.7 Standing down
2.7.1 A Director who wishes to stand down from their position is expected to give the League three months notice. During this time a new Director will be voted in, allowing for a handover period. The previous Director is considered active in their role until the end of this period.
2.7.2 A HoC, Officer or Member of the MC, who wishes to stand down from their position is expected to give the League at least one month's notice.
2.7.3 Committee Members wishing to stand down from or change their role are expected to give their HoC one month's notice where possible.
2.8 Removal of a Director
2.8.1 A Director may be suspended or removed from office for failure to meet responsibilities as defined in the Role Profile, breach of the Bylaws or Code of Conduct or for otherwise acting in a manner not in keeping with the ethos of the League or WFTDA.
2.8.2 Suspension or removal of Directors shall require a majority vote of the remaining Director(s) and the impartial committee (see Bylaw 2.8.3), not including the Member(s) whose removal is in question. A vote to remove Director(s) shall only be taken following a fact-finding hearing.
2.8.3 If the BoD receives a complaint regarding the conduct of a Director(s) or otherwise becomes aware of allegations of misconduct regarding a Director(s), that Director is suspended immediately for the period of investigation, and further suspension or removal is voted on following investigation. The remaining Director(s) shall appoint an impartial committee of fact-finders to review allegations within 15 days. This committee shall present a report to the BoD within 14 days of being appointed. During this time legal advice or external support can be sought from outwith the League if deemed appropriate; if there are delays due to seeking legal advice etc then that information will be shared with the league. If a violent crime is alleged, this will be taken to the relevant authorities.
2.8.4 The Director whose removal is in question may attend the meeting at which their removal is on the agenda and may offer information and discussion regarding the allegations. The impartial committee must request a statement on the allegations from the Director. The person whose removal is in question shall not participate in any vote regarding the removal and shall leave the room in which the meeting is being held if so requested by any voting Member of the BoD. Votes to remove or suspend a Director Member will always be by secret ballot.
2.8.5 The outcome of the meeting and vote will be communicated to the League within 7 days of the meeting. Relevant details of the allegations will be shared, as well as the actions taken.
2.8.6 In the exceptional circumstance that removal of the whole BoD is to be considered, an EGM shall be held by the remaining members of the MC and all Officers.
Part 3 – Membership
3.1 Categories
3.1.1 Membership is open to active skaters, retired skaters, officials, coaches and volunteers.
3.1.2 Skaters will either be a Member of Glasgow Roller Recruits (GRR) or of the main Glasgow Roller Derby League.
3.1.3 Inters skaters are Members of League.
3.1.4 Officials, Coaches and Retired Skaters are Members of the main GRD League.
3.2 Requirements for Membership
3.2.1 Members must be 18 years old or over.
3.2.2 No person shall be refused Membership on the basis of race, colour, beliefs, gender, gender identity or expression, age, origin or ancestry, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status, or socio-economic status or background.
3.2.3 All Members must sign the League’s waiver annually, as well as sign and adhere to any required documentation by any organisation that the League is affiliated to e.g WFTDA Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
3.2.4 All Members must adhere to the League’s Code of Conduct and Bylaws.
3.3 Dues
3.3.1 Dues are necessary for the League to function and it is expected that every active Member of the League will pay Dues in a timely manner.
3.3.2 Dues should be viewed as a Membership fee and not as payment for practice sessions i.e. Dues must be paid to remain a Member even if your circumstances dictate that you cannot make it to every practice session. This includes canceled practice and annual training breaks.
3.3.3 Any payment or reimbursement of money by the League to a Member will be deducted from any amount of Dues that remain outstanding by that Member.
3.3.4 Members must keep up to date with Dues payments. Information on this can be found within the Dues Policy. If a Member becomes behind in their Dues payments by more than a month they will be contacted and reminded.
3.4 Volunteers, Glasgow Roller Recruits and Intermediate skaters
3.4.1 Due to WFTDA confidentiality, GRR and volunteers do not have full access to the League Discord server and will not have voting rights on League matters.
3.4.2 GRR Members are only eligible to vote on matters relating to GRR unless previously a full League Member of GRD with continuous Membership. In which case they will retain full voting rights. GRD Members may be eligible to vote on GRR matters where appropriate (at the discretion of the BoD).
3.4.3 GRR Members are eligible to stand as HoCs or Officers, with the exception of Head of Training.
3.5 Ending Membership
3.5.1 Any Member wishing to leave the League should contact the League Secretary via direct message on Discord to end their Membership.
3.5.2 If a Member is in breach of the League’s Code of Conduct and/or Bylaws they may be removed from Membership at the discretion of the Directors.
3.5.3 If the BoD receives a complaint regarding the conduct of a Member or otherwise becomes aware of allegations of misconduct regarding a Member which would warrant removal of Membership, the Directors may choose to appoint an impartial committee of fact-finders to review allegations within 15 days. The Member is suspended immediately for the period of investigation, and further suspension or removal is voted on following investigation. The committee shall present a report to the Board within 14 days of being appointed. During this time legal advice or external support can be sought from outwith the League if deemed appropriate. If there are delays due to seeking legal advice etc then that information will be shared with the league. If a violent crime is alleged, this will be taken to the relevant authorities. A decision will then be reached whether to revoke Membership.
3.5.4 If Membership is revoked under Bylaw 3.3.4, 3.5.2 or 3.5.3, the Member in question will be removed from the League Discord server and any items belonging to the League must be returned. They will not be permitted to attend any more training sessions or participate in votes.
3.5.5 If any Member does not attend training for 12 consecutive weeks, then they will be contacted by the Wellbeing Officer(s) o r League Secretary. If the Member still does not attend training, their Dues payments should be suspended and they may have their League Discord server access suspended (at 16 weeks due to allowing 4 weeks to respond to messages).
Part 4 – Meetings
4.1 Board of Directors Meetings
4.1.1 Board meetings shall be held on dates specified by the Chair, or by a majority vote of the BoD. This date shall be published to the Membership.
4.1.2 BoD meetings may be called upon 7 days’ notice and must have all Directors present.
4.1.3 A minimum of two BoD meetings will be held per year.
4.2 Board of Directors and Heads of Committee Meetings
4.2.1 Meetings with the BoD and HoC shall be held at a date designated by the Board as needed, a minimum of two times per year.
4.2.2 BoD and HoC meetings may be called upon 7 days’ notice. The Board shall publish the meeting date to the Membership.
4.2.3 A quorum for the meeting shall consist of one of the Board plus 50% of the HoCs.
4.2.4 If they are not available, the HoC can send a nominated deputy.
4.3 Management Committee Meetings
4.3.1 Meetings of the MC shall be held as deemed necessary by the Committee, a minimum of two times per year.
4.3.2 MC meetings may be called upon 7 days’ notice. The BoD shall publish the meeting date to the Members.
4.3.3 A quorum for the meeting shall consist of one of the Board plus 50% of the remaining Management Committee.
4.4 Extraordinary General Meetings
4.4.1 An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be held if specified by the Chair, or by a majority vote of the BoD or by written request by one third of the eligible voting Members.
4.4.2 A minimum of 3 months must pass between an EGM and the date of any previous EGM or Annual General Meeting (AGM).
4.4.3 An EGM may be called upon 14 days' notice to Members at a time and place specified by the BoD. Virtual attendance on Discord will be facilitated.
4.4.4 The BoD shall set the order of business for the EGM, taking into account Bylaw 4.6.1.
4.4.5 A quorum for an EGM shall consist of 50% of the eligible voting Members. All votes carried out at an EGM must be carried out anonymously and on Discord.
4.4.6 The BoD must call an EGM to vote on any unexpected vacancies on the BoD within 30 days of the vacancy occurring.
4.5 Annual General Meeting
4.5.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall normally be held during the month of September but must be held before the end of November each year. Virtual attendance on Discord will be facilitated.
4.5.2 An AGM may be called upon 14 days' notice to Members.
4.5.3 The BoD shall set the order of business for the AGM, taking into account Bylaw 4.6.1.
4.5.4 A quorum for an AGM shall consist of 50% of the eligible voting Members. All votes carried out at an AGM must be carried out anonymously and on Discord.
4.6 Meetings: Additional Information
4.6.1 Any League Member may request to add items to the agenda of a meeting. These may be included in the appropriate meeting at the discretion of the BoD. The League Member may also be invited to attend if appropriate.
4.6.2 Minutes of meetings will be taken by the League Secretary or a designated alternate. These should be published to the Membership within two weeks of the date of the meeting.
Part 5 - League documents
5.1 Document list
In addition to the Bylaws there are a number of documents expanding on the League’s organisation:
Selection policy
Role profiles
Dues policy
Accessibility guidance
Environmental statement
EDI Policy
5.2 Amendment of documentation
5.2.1 Changes to the Bylaws or policies voted in during the year will be listed in the Discord thread “Changes to Bylaws or policies” within the GRD and GRR General channels and they will supersede the current Bylaws and policies.
5.2.2 An annual review of League documentation will be undertaken by the BoD and changes from 5.2.1 will be added. At this time Directors may also highlight areas within the documentation needing updated. A vote on changes will be held where necessary. All changes will be published to the Membership.
Part 6 - Glossary
AGM - Annual General Meeting
BoD - Board of Directors
EGM - Extraordinary General Meeting
GRD - Glasgow Roller Derby
GRR - Glasgow Roller Recruits
HoC - Head(s) of Committee
MC - Management Committee
WFTDA - Women’s Flat Track Derby Association